Employment Law Conference

This Conference jointly organised by the Malaysian Society for Labour and Social Security Laws (MSLSSL) and Legal Plus Sdn Bhd brings together all stakeholders in the labour and employment industries in Malaysia. The Conference is specifically designed to generate discussions on current pressing issues in labour and employment and provide participants with the knowledge and solutions required to handle your human capital strategies.

With speakers from the Industrial Court, retired Judges, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF), Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC), the Corporate Sector as well as HR Consultants and prominent Lawyers from Malaysia and the UK, this Labour Law Conference is a must attend event for those concerned about issues on employment rights and obligations given the challenges of the current economy. Listen to the distinguished panel of experts discuss the current pressing topics of retrenchment, employment insurance, confidentiality and many more.

Dont miss this rare opportunity to network with the labour and employment industries comprising those from the Legal Profession, HR Practitioners, Human Resource Managers, Industrial Relations Managers, In-House Counsel, Labour Union Representatives and Outsourcing Managers .

27th to 28th APRIL 2017

Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur


In collaboration with:

Online Registration Form

    Practising LawyerJudge/MagistrateProfessional AssociationCorporate SectorGovernment AgenciesOthers

    Payment Particulars

    Payment via bank-transfer (slip enclosed)Payment via bank draft (slip enclosed)


    Posted in Employment Law.