Cyber Law Seminar 2016 Understanding Issues Arising From Cyber Laws


Malaysia has seen rapid developments in Internet technology, which has created new opportunities for business and social interaction and at the same time has given rise to the growing threat of cybercrime and abuse of the internet. Cyber laws in Malaysia covers a myriad of issues affecting both private and public issues, which can lead to both civil and criminal liabilities.

It is crucial for the judiciary, lawyers, prosecution, enforcement agencies and compliance professionals to have a good understanding of the current Malaysian cyber laws so that they will be better equipped to deal with computer-related crimes and other legal related issues arising from cyber laws.

During this 1-day program, participants will gain insights and regulatory perspectives on the cyber laws in Malaysia, in particular, the potential civil and criminal liabilities arising from cyber laws; issues relating to the gathering of electronic evidence; examination and analysis of electronic evidence; and emphasis on the all-encompassing section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 and the far-reaching section 114A of the Evidence Act 1950. Additionally, this seminar will bring together a line-up of expert speakers from the legal sector, Cybersecurity Malaysia, Public Prosecutor’s office and the Royal Malaysian Police.

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The Event will be held:
Date : 29 September 2016
Venue : Ballroom, Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

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    Posted in Cyber Law, Past Event.