ConTECH Talk 2021

The construction industry is full of conflicts and dispute. This is not surprising give the vast number of trades involved in the construction chain (and many more connected with them). and the complexity constraints and limitations involved in or affecting the construction works. Too often, construction claims are a result of entrenced positions, lack of communication, clashes of ego and mismanagement of various issues in constructions contracts. More and more of these conflicts and claims ended up in Courts or alternative dispute resolution("ADR") processes and as a result more and more money are being spent on either litigation or ADR process. These could be avoided with better management skills or properly designed mechanism or effective adoption of Construction Technology.

Being part of Construction Claims & ADR Conference 2021, the ConTech Talk 2021 is a parallel session aimed to discuss the impact of rapid technological development on construction claims and dispute resolution.

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    Posted in Construction Tech, Past Event.