Company WhatsApp Group – Can I Exit

Company WhatsApp Group - Can I Exit
In this day and age, WhatsApp is the preavalent communication tool in most workplaces. Unlike other more formal modes of communication, WhatsApp communication are instant and his has revolutionized workplace communications. While WhatsApp has undoubtedly brought a lot of benifits to the workplace, it also creates few dubious questions to the area of employment law. Can an employee refuse to join a company's WhatsApp Group without permission? Does exiting a company's WhatsApp Group without permission warrant a dismissal of employment?

The Court of Appeal had the occasion to decide an issue relating to dismissal of employee due to subordination when the employee exited a company's WhatsApp Group in defiance of her superior's instructions. This decision brings a much-needed clarity and guidance to companies in reviewing their employment policies.

Let's hear from our panellists on their views about exiting Company's WhatsApp group on the back of this recent Court of Appeal's decision.
Date: 26 November 2021 (Fri)

Time: 09.45 am to 10.45am

Venue: Virtually via Zoom

Registration Fee: FREE

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Posted in Company Law, Employment Law, Past Event.