4th Advocacy Skills Seminar

Advocacy is the art of persuasion. Most law schools teach this subject but only to a certain level due to limited time and lack of experienced teachers in this practical field. Thus, this subject is often left to individuals desiring to do “court work” to devise their own proficiency. But before you can develop your own skill, you must know some basic fundamental rules, guidelines and practises as well as the pitfalls and the narrow alleys to avoid. Many are left to learn these from their seniors but unless these seniors are themselves well honed in the craft, it is most likely a case of “the blind leading the blind” or the acquisition of a skill that is incomplete or unrefined.

This seminar intends to enlighten participants to not only the basic skills of advocacy but also to the finer points and techniques often missed, overlooked and neglected or perhaps forgotten by trial lawyers. Speakers for this seminar comprises of current Judges, retired Judges and senior Practising Advocates. Some of those from the Bench had been active Advocates before their elevation. By virtue of their experience, they have an added advantage of being able to identify common errors and mistakes committed by Advocates appearing before them. They will be highlighting these and rendering suggestions and proposals to overcome them.

This is one seminar that should not be missed by anyone who wishes to advance his or her advocacy skill. It is meant to enlighten you not only to the basic foundation of this craft but also share with you the various techniques that can be adopted into a winning style of your own.

8th to 9th APRIL 2017

Boulevard Hotel, Kuala Lumpur


In collaboration with:

Online Registration Form

    Practising LawyerJudge/MagistrateProfessional AssociationCorporate SectorGovernment AgenciesOthers

    Payment Particulars

    Payment via bank-transfer (slip enclosed)Payment via bank draft (slip enclosed)


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